Fertile hannkatter (male)
NW´24 KCH S*Little L´s Knockout JW – NFO n 24 (Blackspottet)
Born 15th april 2024

Pedegree, Health of Showresults
SC (N) Ekebergtrollet´s Glenn Miller DVM – NFO ns 23 (svartsølvtigret)
Born 31th October 2021
He is father to our I-litter and K-litter
Pedegree, Health and showresults
Glenn is tested free for HCM 6th Desember 2023. 8
He is from our G-litter – look at this litter under Previous litter. He is father to our I-litter and K-litter and has got 4 kittens at Fosenkatten.
Fertile hunnkatter (females)
IC (N) Ekebergtollet´s Juni – NFO g 22
Born 28th February 2023

Pedegree, Health and showresults
GIC (N) Ekebergtrollet´s Fife Feliz NFO a 09 22 (blåskilpadde med hvitt)
Born 11th December 2020
She is mother to our K-litter

Pedigree, Health and showresult at NRR
Both her parents are testet HCM free.
SC (N) Fiskerjenta’s Spurv DVM DM – NFO f 23 (brunskilpaddetigret)
Norsk Skogkattmester 2020
Born 6th Mars 2018
She is the mother to our E, G and J-litter

Pedegree, Health and showresults
She is tested HCM free the summer 2019. Her parents are tested free for PKdef, and in her first litter the kittens who were going to breeders were testet at the veterinary who sent it to the laboratory.
Informasjon om kullet hun er fra
Fodnaheia’s presentasjon av hennes far
SC (N) Migoto´s Ginni – NFO f 22 (brunskilpaddetabby)
Born 4th Mars 2019
She is the mother to our F, H and I-litter

Pedegree, Health and showresults
Oppdretter: Eva Dahl Eide: Migoto’s nettsted
GIP IC (N) Fodnaheia´s Tarik – NFO a 09 24 (Blåspottet med hvitt)
Born 4th august 2019
He is the father to our F, H and J-litter

Pedigree, Health and showresults
He is tested HCM free 2021 September 29th. His parents is tested free for PKdef
Linda Reiersen: Webpage Fodnaheias
Tidligere avlskatter hos (N) Ekebergtrollet’s
IC (N) Albertine av Boxerhaven – NFO f 09 22 (brunskilpaddefarget tabby med hvitt)
født 8 mai 1998 – død 20 august 2003 (ulykke)
She is the mother of our A, B and D-litter

CH (N) Ekebergtrollet’s Amalie – NFO n 09 24(brunspottet – hvit)
Født 28 april 2001 – død 13 juli 2012
She is the mother of our C-litter