The 7th February 2022 we got kittens after Fodnaheia’s Tarik NFO a 09 24 and IC (N) Migoto´s Ginni NFO f 22.
All the kittens from this litter have moved to their forever home❤️😻❤️
Pedigree, Shows and Health tests for Tarik and Ginni:
The H-litter at 12 weeks – they are so beautiful and are playing so good together with all our other cats❤️💙❤️❤️
At 11 weeks the kittens are playing a lot out in the catrun and they have startet to use the hopin-toilet😻
The kittens are 10 weeks old and each of them have got their own knitting basket🥰
The kittens are 9 weeks old and have got their first vaccination❤️
The kittens are 8 weeks old and so adorable 🥰 we love them all❤️💙❤️❤️
The kittens are 7 weeks old and are having no time to take pictures😅:
The kittens are 6 weeks old and have got a lot more space to play in😻🐈⬛
The kittens are 5 weeks old and they are playing a lot together and are testing out the toilet together 😅
The kittens at 4 week – they are walking around and playing with each other and tasting the food – but still they prefere the milk from their mother:
Three weeks old and they are starting to walk a little around the birthplace (Ginni wanted to be with them in this photo session 😻) (Hedvig lost her coat after 1,5 week after a tuff birth – but it startet to grow out fast again and it looks like it will be a good quality on it):
Two weeks old, and they have just opened their eyes:
One week old (sadly we lost Helge after 13 days – he struggled and didn´t go up in weight)
New born pictures:
Feel free to contact us if some interests and tell us about yourself and why you are looking for a Norwegian Forestcat from us. Nothing will be decided before the kittens are about 5-6 weeks old. We are not booking any newborn kittens . We will see how they develope before we choose the right forewer home. Under the pictures of the kittens you can read more about how to get kittens from us..
The kittens can move to their forever home when they are 12-13 weeks old. Longer time if they have to be vaccinated against Rabies.
We will love to stay in contact with the kittens new families with advices and updates. We will always be interested in the cats from us❤️
All of our kittens will be treated against helminth, they will be vaccinated twice with the Nobivac Tricat trio. When delivering they will have a new health certificate.
The kittens will got ID-chip, will be registered in the NRR and will receive a FIFe pedigree.
We are using NRR’s Contract for Tranferring a pedigreed cat. The kitten comes with kitten packages and lots of information with the kittens and a blanket with familiar smell from mother and siblings.
A kitten from us costs NOK 11 000, sold to Norway.
When selling to Sweden, the Kittens cost SEK 11 500 + NOK 500 for a Passport.
When selling to other European countries, the Kittens cost EUR 1300 + costs for rabies vaccine (about EUR 100) and the passport (about EUR 50).
Deposit upon booking is NOK 3 000/EUR 300 and there will not be made some agreement or paid until 6-8 weeks of age. If our veterinary check proves that the kitten cannot be used in breeding or has poorer health than expected in relation to use, then the deposit will be refunded.
Alle kattunger fra oss vil være behandlet mot innvollsorm, være vaksinert to ganger med Nobivac Tricat trio. De leveres med ny helseattest.
Kattungene vil være ID-merket, vil bli registrert i NRR og får en FIFe stamtavle.
Vi skriver kjøpekontrakt i mal fra NRR og overføring på NRR´s Min katt gjennomføres for nye eiere som har tilgang der. Med kattungen følger kattungepakker og mye informasjon med kattungene og et teppe med kjent lukt fra mor og evt søsken.
En kattunge fra oss koster NOK 11 000, solgt til Norge.
Ved salg til Sverige koster Kattungene SEK 11 500 + 500 for pass (Passport)
Ved salg til Danmark og andre europeiske land koster Kattungene EUR 1300 + kostnader for pass(Passport) og rabiesvaksine og evt transport.
Depositum ved booking er NOK 3 000 /EUR 300 og det bookes og betales ikke før ved 6-8 ukers alder. Dersom helsekontroll viser at katten ikke kan brukes som planlagt vil depositum bli tilbakebetalt og kjøper frigjort fra avtalen.
Ta kontakt hvis du er interessert i en kattunge fra oss – vi vil gjerne bli litt kjent med mulige nye eiere og deres behov før vi gir tilbud om kjøp. Etter at katten er flyttet til nytt hjem ønsker vi å bli holdt oppdatert om hvordan det går med katten – vi vil alltid være glad i den og være interessert i hvordan det går❤️