Oppdrett av norsk skogkatt/Breeder of Norwegian Forest Cat
We are so proud of our big strong and beautiful female we got from Ellen in 2018 when we decided to start breeding again after a long break for several years. We couldn’t have got a better start than this charming female who has given a lot of beautiful kittens and grandchildren. We also have som new plans for her this winter 😻
He got his Championtitle at Saturday together with his sister CH (N) Ekebergtrollet’s Gyri who also got her title 🏆🏆 Congrats to both of them. Glenn Miller also got nominated to the BIS panel both days in very strong competition and he got voice in the panel each day. Sunday he also got BIV in a fabulous group 7 where all five of them were very strong and technical good NFO’s. The judges both days mentioned how strong this group was.
Photo 1-3: Hilde Marie Grensbråten.
Ekebergtollet’s Glenn Miller did it also great at the same show – he got his first two CAC as an adult in competition and got NOM Saturday with a voice in the panel – he love to be together with the judges🥰
And our CH Ekebergtollet’s Fife Feliz is getting a bit more winter coat and got her CACIB and surprised us with BIV-Tot in a really strong competition in group 4 – she also got NOM in the same show❤️
SC Fiskerjeta’s Spurv was a GIC in 2019 when she was only 1,5 years old – she has got a CACS each show she has been, but the COVID made her 4,5 years old before she got the last ones.
She got her title at Sørak´s Show in Kristiansand 27-28th August 2022. She also got BIV both days in a competition with four strong NFO-females, and she got NOM both days with strong competition.
Her daughter Ekebergtollet’s Gyri also did it great this weekend in her last show as a junior (class 11) – she got Ex1 both days and NOM Saturday with a vote in the panel – a big beautiful neuter red silver MCO male was the winner both days in class 11 and difficult to beat😅 There is a picture of him under Show-pictures.
This show was a double cert in one day show. Together with Fife was GIC Fiskerjenta’s Spurv and IC Migoto’s Ginni. All three did very well at the judges and got two cert each, Fife got her champion title and her first CACIB and Spurv got two NOM for the panel.
She was 7 months old and just got up in class 11 and got BIV J/U and NOM u and loose the BIS with new judge after 2/2. The day after she got BIS🏆🏆🏆 WOW – we are so proud- and big congrats to her owner Vigdis Ultvedt (Ultvedtkatten’s) who own the father of this beauty😻