The 28th Februar 2023 we got six kittens after SC (N) Fiskerjenta´s Spurv and IC (N) Fodnaheia´s Tarik.
They have got 14 weeks old and are moving out to their new families – Juni will stay in the cattery😻❤️

The kittens are 13 weeks old and all of them have got a plan for new homes 😻

12 weeks old and they will get their second vaccination and IDchip this week

Eleven weeks old and are they are registered in NRR (FIFE)😻 Jermund and Jack-Jack is still fore sale.

Ten weeks old and have startet to play in the catrun 😻😻😻

Nine weeks old and they have got their first vaccination and the veterinary gave them all of them top health-results

The kittens are 8 weeks old and in the end of this week they will have their first vaccination😻

We are seven weeks old and have started to go into the jumping toilet- nothing is stopping us now- we are climbing everywhere 😼😸

Six weeks old and they are taking the steps and have got a lot of more space – we have started to make some agreements with new families 😻 nothing is decided before they are booked🥰😻

Five weeks old and we are celebrating the eastern this week🐣🐥

Four weeks old and have started to play a lot with each other 🥰😻

Three weeks old and they are ready to taste food and learning the toilet 😻

Two weeks old and some of them do have a milk mustache 🙃

One week old:

Here they are – newbornpictures and some from the very first days😻<